If you are interested in social inequalities in Roma people as much as we do (recent examples here, here and here), you might be interested in having two newly published reports that were produced in collaboration with the WHO offices in Bratislava and Venice.

The first one is on health limits of health care provided to Roma people and presents preliminary findings of a qualitative study by Andrej Belak.The second report is a case study on intervention aiming to increase employability of population living in Roma settlements by Lucia Bosakova. Both of these reports have been reviewed by our Editor in Chief Andrea Madarasova Geckova.
These reports are available for free for your use and further distribution. If you are interested, please drop me an e-mail at ttonia [a] ispm[.]unibe[.]ch
You can download summaries of these reports here and here. Some information about the authors can be found here.