New course on Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis!

We are happy to announce a course on Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis offered by the Swiss School of Public Health + (SSPH+) . This 3 day course aims to enable PhD students to conduct Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis, something often required for their PhD. Apart from addressing the principles of systematic reviews, this course will offer a practical, step by step approach in conducting them. Students will be taught about conducting literature searches; extracting data; evaluating the study quality and the risk of bias; conducting meta-analyses when appropriate. Practical exercises using STATA are part of the course.

The course will be held between 19-21 May 2014 at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM) in Bern, Switzerland. It will be facilitated by Professor Matthias Egger. As there are limited places for this popular course, you are advised to register early and by April 19th using this link. The full course flyer can be found here


We welcome any feedback about this or other SSPH+ courses!

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