Are you interested in Global Health? We are! So we are very happy that the upcoming (the 9th to be precise) European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health is going to be held here in Switzerland (Basel, from 6-10 September 2015). This Congress’ main focus is summarized in the following sentence: “Driving the best Science to meet Global Health Challenges”.
You can find a preliminary scientific program here: many issues will be discussed, including health and social systems and their determinants, methodology, social and cultural issues of global health, disease systems etc. One of the main “tracks” of the conference is going to focus on challenges of global health in the post-MDA area, an issue identified as a research priority by the Lancet Global Health.
You can still submit your abstracts (until April 09th, 2015). And don’t forget that IJPH has a call for reviews in connection to this Congress and the best one will win an award! Keep these submissions coming!