LifeScienceToday (aka LST) is a young and dynamic blog published by Springer. It is focused on research and developments in the Life Sciences. The blog among others aims to serve as a platform for information dissemination, engagement and interaction between and among researchers and the general public. It is expected to serve as a bridge between research community and society, thereby giving a human face to relevant research findings.

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  • Demba Kandeh

    Author profile image Demba is a student of globalization, journalism and media/political communication at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He joined SpringerNature to help with social media activities in March, 2016. In his free time, Demba enjoys reading, tweeting, running and cycling.

  • Elodie Tronche

    Author profile image Elodie is a Publishing Editor in agronomy and plant sciences program at Springer since 2014. She completed her PhD in 2007 at the Museum of Natural History of Paris and a postdoc at the Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In her free time, Elodie enjoys sitting for a good meal with friends and family and rethink the world and the universe, reading about history and watching Charlie Chaplin’s movies on a rainy afternoon.

  • Iza Witkowska

    Author profile image Iza is a Publishing Editor for Ecology and Conservation program at Springer since 2013. She completed her PhD in Plant Sciences at the Wageningen University, The Netherlands. In her free time, Iza enjoys playing with her children, reading books, cooking for her homies, hiking and cycling.

  • Valeria Rinaudo

    Author profile image Valeria is a Publishing Editor for Forestry and Biodiversity at Springer since 2010. Vale did her PhD in Agriculture at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (IT) and the postdoc in soil diversity at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam (NL). In her free time, she reads books, watches intellectual movies, listens to punk, and plans to become a writer…but she is the mother of a 2.5 years old boy so a glass of wine and some TV just work as fine!