We are happy to announce the winner of our recent call for paper on Market-driven forces and Public Health.
Congratulations to the first author Adriana Ardila-Sierra and her co-author César Abadía-Barrero for their paper “Medical labour under neoliberalism: an ethnographic study in Colombia” and you can access it for free here.
Adriana Ardila-Sierra was born in Bogotá, Colombia. She holds a Medical Doctor and Master and Ph.D. degrees in Public Health from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. You can read more information about her here.
The runner up of the competition is the paper entitled “Attitudes and practices of public health academics towards research funding from for-profit” organizations: cross-sectional survey” by Rima Nakkash and colleagues (also available free of charge here)
Interested in learning more? Have a look at the table of contents of the special issue resulting from this call, which was edited by Yadira Borrero Ramírez, Janeth Mosquera Becerra and Lyda Osorio. More information about the competition and the voting process can be found here.
The special issue is related to the 4th LATAM PH meeting which was postponed to 2021.
Congratulations! Excellent work