Introduction to statistical software STATA: new course from the Swiss School of Public Health+

We are happy to announce a new course on statistics offered by the Swiss School of Public Health+ (SSPH+). The course will be held on 6th and 7th of March 2013 at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, in Bern, Switzerland.

Stata is a statistical software that is extensively used in public health researc This course will offer an introduction to dataimport and export, data manipulation, statistical analysis, graphical representation and how to do loops (repetitive tasks) and will be facilitated by Dr. Andrian Spoerri and Professor Marcel Zwahlen.

Interested? Register online by February 6 using this link or by sending an e-mail to Sina HeinHenrichs at Sina.Henrichs[a]

Be quick, as there is a limited number of places!

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